Go Green This St. Patricks Day

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Babette's Environmental Tip

Go Green This St. Patricks Day

  1. Go native. Replace part of your lawn with native plants and trees that support and attract butterflies, bees and birds. A tree that shades your house also saves on energy bills.
  2. Decrease chemical dependency. Limit your use of fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides; they wind up in our drinking water and in our harbors and bays.
  3. Consider composting. Instead of spending money on chemical fertilizers, use what you have – compost! Recycling vegetable and fruit scraps is a natural way to grow your garden.
  4. See the light. Change light bulbs to compact fluorescents -they save energy and money!
  5. Bag the bag. Plastic bags are passé! Use re-usable bags at the grocery store. Most stores will give you a few pennies back on each bag which does add up!
  6. Turn down the heat. Heating and air conditioning draw half the energy a home uses. Turn down the heat and A/C when you leave the house or turn in for the night.
  7. Recycle and use recycled products. Recycled products require less energy to make than products made from completely new materials.
  8. Inflate your tires. Proper inflation of tires means better gas mileage, saving you cash!
  9. Buy renewable energy. A long-term investment for your home or business, solar and wind energy decreases energy-dependence.
Posted: 3/9/2016 9:48:49 AM | with 0 comments

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