Fulford, Colorado

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Fulford, Colorado

The town was actually a combination of two separate but adjacent mining camps. One was called Nolan's Creek Camp and the other Camp Fulford. Both were situated on a hillside, one above the other. Camp Fulford grew the fastest and in time absorbed Nolan's Creek and they became one using the name Fulford. The town had a population of several hundred people with a hotel, a few boarding houses, stores and a saloon. The town flourished through the 1890s and into the 1900s up to 1918 when the town began to fold as the mines pinched out. A most unusual aspect of some of the mines were the entrances. Some of the mines opened into natural cliffs. Miners gained entrance into the caves by being lowered from the top of the cliff. The Fulford cave remains a tourist attraction. Submitted by Henry Chenoweth.
Posted: 1/31/2018 3:10:07 PM | with 0 comments

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