This is the time of year when you once again have the opportunity to get rid of old bad habits, and start (or double down) on some good ones. To help with that, here’s a list of the top five New Year Resolutions that should help you to make your green life, even greener. Take a look, and choose the one, or more, that works best for you. Good luck, and have a Happy New Green Year.
Bring your bags! photo by: Salena Wakim
Bring your bags!
1. Don’t forget your reusable bags: This may seem like a no brainer, but it’s not always so easy to stick to this one. You’ll be running late, or just thinking you’re picking up something small, and then suddenly those bags that are sitting at home are needed. Take a few steps to help avoid this problem, such as keeping several on hand in your trunk, or get the collapsible kind that fold in on themselves, into a neat little pack.
Not a drop to drink photo by: Salena Wakim
Conserve Water
2. Make sure you stay in the conservation state of mind by always being H2O aware. Fix any leaky faucets, and save the water that comes out while you’re waiting for your shower to heat up. You can use what you collect to water plants, help fill up you clothes washer, or to rinse off the tub after cleaning it.
Make good choices photo by: Salena Wakim
Recyle Now photo by: Salena Wakim
Recycle Now!
4. Recycle: This has gotten a bit of a bad rap in recent years, as if doing this is a copout way of being green. Don’t buy into the hype. Although this shouldn’t be the only thing you do, it’s still a necessary part of the green living equation. Reusing and reducing what you use is equally important, but if something can be recycled into something else then by all means it should be. There is no excuse to let it wind up in a landfill when it can be avoided.
Do Green Deeds photo by: Salena Wakim
Do Green Deeds
5. Do green deeds: Volunteer when possible to help green up the world. Arbor Day encourages all to help plant trees, or take care of the ones you have. Buy organic if possible, and/or plant a garden, and grow your own. Donate unused clothes to charity to help other’s out, and save some of Earth’s resources in the process. Adopt your next pet from a shelter, and help prevent overcrowding (in short, save a life). Whatever you do, the biggest thing is that you do something now.